Staying Motivated

Whether you need to lift some weights or run a few miles, sometimes the hardest part of exercising the body is turning off the mind. I have a few different ways to stay mentally engaged during an exercise.  

  1. Playlists. I spend a bunch of time putting together different pace, style, and purpose playlists. I aim for sweet indie with strings for yoga and stretching, hip hop and metal for cardio, hardcore for lifting, etc. Putting some mental effort into creating the playlist helps me stay engaged in the music while I’m working out rather than letting it become driving but ambient music.  
  2. Podcasts. I like to consider every exercise session also an opportunity to learn and grow – often that can mean listening to podcasts that will help me do just that. Whether it be a political current events podcast to help me stay aware but not obsessed, an investigative journalism exploration of a crime, or short stories – I like consuming stories without sacrificing an active body. 
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